Interview with Gabriella Borges

 Interview with Gabriella Borges 

by Joshua Y'Barbo

Gabriella investigates the power of design as material activism for Reproductive Justice. She situated her work at the intersection of textiles and social justice through a fine art perspective. This project is inspired by the historical symbolism that represents freedom and justice in the United States. You can follow Gabriella on Instagram, find her on LinkedIn, and see her graduate showcase. 

Administrate Human Rights (2023) by Gabriella Borges
            Secondhand Fabric and Recycled Thread
MA Textile Design

Joshua Y'Barbo (JY): Tell me about your practice: What do you make work about? How to you go about making your work? What do you think about when making your work? Do you still make work?

Gabriella Borges (GB): Within my work, I investigate the power of design as material activism for reproductive justice. Through textiles and historical symbolism, I want to communicate the importance of better social programs for women and how social justice is important for reproductive rights.

JY: How was studying and finishing your degree? What had the most impact on the work you made and make now?

GB: When I moved to London for school in September 2022, I was in shock at how the majority of people were on the same page when it came to human rights and basic morals. The conversations around women, climate change, recycling, etc., weren’t guided by religion or selfish reasoning. This atmosphere gave me an even broader perspective on how self-absorbed Americans can truly be. It led me to think about the misinformation that is out there regarding women’s bodies and their role in society.

JY: Based on your experiences, do you have any problem-solving advice for other artists & designers?

GB: Don't always focus on the pretty, visual presentation, aka the final outcome, but that's not what matters, it's the meaning behind your work and how you got there.

JY: What are your immediate concerns or interests, both personally and professionally?

GB: I'm currently in that wondering space of what's next for me after I finish school in December. I worry of the future because it seams very blurry and unknown.

JY: Do you have any questions for me, other artists, or anyone further afield?

GB: My question is to all artists: How do you continuously stay inspired to create?

The Statue of Liberty Sketchbook Page (2023) by Gabriella Borges

The Human Rights Bell Sketchbook Page (2023) by Gabriella Borges


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