Written Interview with Jiaoyang Zhang (13 Dec 2021, 00:08 London / 14 Dec 2021, 08:08 China)
Jiaoyang Zhang (13 Dec 2021, 00:08 London / 14 Dec 2021, 08:08 China) 404 Not Found (2021) by Jiaoyang Zhang Over the month leading up to the end of 2021, I had the pleasure of corresponding with China-based designer, Jiaoyang Zhang, about their artwork, 404 Not Found (2021). Zhang talked about a dilemma they faced as a Chelsea College of Art student forced to study and research remotely in China, where firewalls in mainland China prevented them from joining an online class or restricted access to YouTube videos or design websites used by tutors and easily accessible outside of China. Zhang seemed to experience inconsistent connectivity issues associated with 'zoom-fatigue' ( Amponsah, van Wyk, & Kolugu, 2022). Zhang's work 404 Not Found is a response to these digital challenges in their academic experience. Zhang's work 404 Not Found is a response to these digital challenges in their academic experience. Zhang also shared the i...