Plasticity - Tropical Lab at LASALLE College of Art

The work posted below is in response to the theme of TROPICAL LAB 7 and took place between 24th July to 7th August 2013.

ECHO: The Poetics of Translation
Walter Benjamin once compared translation to hearing an echo in a forest. Such a 
metaphor for the act of translation suggests the sonic if not oral dimension of language 
and reminds us of the way in which there is a space between the original and its 
repetition. Translation then is a rich terrain of exploration for the arts. 
Tropical Lab 7 draws together student artists from all over the world, bringing them together to learn about Singapore and that of its neighbors. At the same time, it 
provides these artists with the opportunity to collaborate and work across the 
boundaries of country, bringing together differences. While, on one hand, translation 
allows for the discovery and creation of connections between two or more positions, it 
also makes evident a gap. This unbreachable gap reveals the limits of translation - the 
echo is not the original sound, and the copy is not the original. We see shadows, 
supplements or hybrids that appear to relate back to some point of reference and yet, at 
the same time, take on their autonomy and life after the fact.

The aims and objectives of TROPICAL LAB are to expand the views of the participants, 
to exchange experiences and to stimulate creative thinking through a collaborative 
approach. In addition, to create a positive environment that will stimulate and cultivate 
minds, imaginations, emotional (intuitive) consciousness and cultural sensibilities of the 
emerging generation of young artists and students.
At the same time, we are aiming to establish LASALLE College of the Arts as an 
institution that offers an environment for regional and international students to carry out 
research and advance their art practice in a short period. This will strengthen the value 
and potential of having a programme that is culturally relevant to a range of local, 
regional and international students. 


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